5 Steps for Advancing Health Equity

Amgen is one of the world’s leading biotechnology corporations and is a values-based company, deeply rooted in science and innovation to transform new ideas and discoveries into medicines for patients with serious illnesses. Lyfe Productives sees in Amgen a future partner in identifying and developing preventative biotech medicines and programs to further support the health disparities in our communities. 

In October, the Amgen Health Equity Summit brought together diverse experts and leaders from across the healthcare industry to discuss both the history and current reality of racial disparities in health outcomes. Leaders in health insurance, academia, medical research, and social justice, including Amgen CEO Bob Bradway, delivered powerful messages about the steps and solutions that healthcare organizations must take to begin closing these gaps.

This post originally appeared on Amgen’s website

5 Important Steps for Advancing Health Equity 

A diverse group of notable experts shared insights about addressing racial health disparities at Amgen’s latest health equity conference. 

For more, watch the full video of the summit here

1. Helping bridge disparities

William Shrank, MD, chief medical and corporate affairs officer for health insurance company Humana, explained how healthcare organizations can and should collaborate with diverse partners that focus on addressing social determinants of health — such as food scarcity, housing, transportation and broadband internet access — that drive health disparities.

“The pandemic shined a very bright light on the fault lines in our public health system and the fragmentation of our health care delivery system,” he said. “At the same time, I think there has been really wonderful evidence from the private sector where payers, providers, manufacturers, lab companies have all rolled up our sleeves together and tried to figure out how to fill in those fault lines.”

2. Fostering community involvement

When it comes to taking an inclusive approach to…

Read the whole article on Amgen’s website!

Lyfe Productives